
Coal Region News

Monday, March 10, 2025

April: How many inmates were incarcerated in Schuylkill County?

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In Schuylkill County 497 inmates were incarcerated in April, a 0.2 percent increase over the month before, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Damien Albert Way and Denver Paul Kalenevitch, 19-year-olds, were the youngest inmates in Schuylkill County in April.

Nevin George Wetzel was the oldest at 84-years-old.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Schuylkill County in April

Abigail Elizabet Sonnon31
Achille Hassun Walker47
Adam Bobyak27
Alexis A. Paul45
Allah Supreme Hayes24
Allison Sanders43
Alnaldo Perez-Rodriguez36
Amanda Tice41
Amanda Vernitsky40
Amy Lynn Boppel44
Andre Lamont Jackson38
Andrew Tutko32
Andrew C. Bakerofskie32
Andrew James Hamilton35
Andrew Lee Wyre37
Andrew Scott Lehman40
Angel Resto31
Angelo Seritti37
Annmarie Styka38
Anthony Faiola47
Anthony J. Stalgaitis41
Anthony James Cress36
Anthony Michael Ballard36
Archie D. Ciccanti42
Audie Lee Mauldin24
Barry Bonetsky65
Bernard Jerome Schuck34
Betty J. Ryder40
Brad Allen Moyer38
Bradley Keppley34
Bradley Scott Lerch54
Brandon M. Merwine37
Brandon Michael Kneas36
Brandon Raymond Courtney49
Brandon Ross Snyder40
Brandon Scott Hosier39
Braxton John Moore40
Brenda Lee Setlock56
Brendon John Hasara51
Brian Bartenope46
Brian Fisher57
Brian C. Mullins59
Brian George Heffner42
Brian Thomas Boner61
Bruce E. Bainbridge68
Bruce James Layton32
Buddy Charles Noel43
Byron Bladimir Cuenca24
Caleb Joseph Harley22
Carl Johnson50
Carl Kostowskie50
Carl Carr Holmes52
Carlos Gonzalez-Soto46
Carlton Beckford47
Casey Woolson33
Cassandra Michelle Arndt25
Chad Everret Lytle49
Chad K. Belsak47
Charles Frantz30
Charles A. Jones72
Charles A. Morris45
Charles D. Heffelfinger29
Charles J. Yoder43
Charles John Cox43
Charles Leslie Geiger28
Charles Robert Varano70
Chase M. Rang35
Chauncey Brian Hazel26
Chelsea Lynn Harper29
Christopher Bove38
Christopher Hill35
Christopher Rojas21
Christopher Romberger37
Christopher Turofski29
Christopher Erwin Benjamin40
Christopher Gordon Adams36
Christopher John Baker56
Christopher Lance Buck37
Christopher Lee Gessner59
Christopher M. Reed35
Clark Emmanueel Mead39
Cody Anthony Brill29
Cody John Gaumer35
Cody Lee Harris31
Cordell Thomas25
Courtland Stackpole46
Craig Stephen Harvey53
Craig Timothy Crossen39
Curtis Branch40
Curtis Todd Foose38
Dakota Austin Kocher26
Dale Schimpf75
Damian Zimnicki42
Damien Albert Way19
Damon L. Ennett42
Daniel Saranchak35
Daniel David Quinn43
Daniel Eston Witmer52
Daniel Michael Saranchak55
Daniel Scott Petrichko46
Daniel Troy Langtry34
Darnelle Clinton Coad47
Darrin Wayne Lynch54
David Harris45
David Allen Noll51
David Anderson Frangioudakis34
David Charles Rickard23
David John Rivera30
David Junior Rich50
David Michael Harwi49
David Rudy Cipko44
Dennis Hughes70
Dennis Lupatsky50
Dennis Cory Shafe38
Dennis Lloyd Wampole42
Denver Paul Kalenevitch19
Devin Brice Harris23
Devin Robert Fra Wychunas34
Dillon Patrick Fogarty30
Donald McLean47
Donald R. Lathrop66
Donnell Lavar Andrews46
Dustin Parsons37
Dustin Renay Ballard34
Dylan John Eckert28
Earl Bostice Simmons71
Earl J. Roberts44
Edward Earl Manbeck36
Edward Joseph Bassininsky52
Edward Joseph Polusky34
Edward Kenneth Brown61
Elizabeth Ann Kreiser57
Enrique Vives50
Eric David Krieger49
Eric L. Felegie45
Eric Matthew Mumaw36
Eric Michael Klemow39
Eric Nicholas Keefe42
Ernest Allen Rosemond45
Ethan Michael Sullivan29
Etienne Barksdale39
Felix Enrique Rivas24
Felix Jesus Romeu40
Francis Edward Ney38
Francis P. Lavan67
Frank E. Chen38
Franklin Stumhofer50
Garrison M. Zarcufsky35
Gary Walter Troy46
George Patrick Hepler36
George Thomas Rohrbach25
George Thomas Webber33
Gerald Lawell39
Gerald Bruce Marlow66
Gilberto Perez45
Harold E. Carbaugh52
Harold J. McGurl49
Harry Edward Hosler42
Harry Scott Harley48
Hector Rico41
Hector Luis Berberena-Soto41
Henry Williamrud Davies43
Heriberto Fuentes57
Horace Dishaun Gilder43
Howard Omar Powell45
Hugo Noel44
Isaiah Marques Aviles26
Ivan Unique Bradford40
Jaclyn M. Hollywood40
Jacob Allen Schopfer29
Jacob Daniel Wertman27
Jacqueline Elizabeth Chattin32
Jahmal Ollivirre32
James David Mickshaw49
James Elias Roche27
James Francis Goliwas31
James Ian Crafton63
James Merrill Browning49
James Patrick Costello38
James Stephen Pavlichko54
Jamie Lee Johnson43
Jared George Azar29
Jared Lee Miller44
Jarvin Malik Huggins29
Jason Dougherty44
Jason Vargas38
Jason Lyle Boers40
Jason Nathan Bredbenner39
Jason Scott Ciccocioppo44
Jayson Christophe Garcia38
Jeff Najunas29
Jeffrey A. Taylor53
Jeffrey Allen Gombert33
Jeffrey Benjamin Tucker35
Jeffrey D. Capiga39
Jeffrey Drew Roberts29
Jeffrey Michael Dargis50
Jeffrey Scott Miller52
Jeffrey Thomas Huben31
Jeffrey Thomas Leinheiser31
Jennifer Velousky40
Jeremy Alan Wade42
Joel Vermillion33
John Jefferson61
John Kessler50
John Pino79
John Daniel Kramer61
John Derwood Berger38
John E. Bartenope46
John F. Neidlinger48
John James Bennett35
John Joseph Guman61
John Joseph Liptok34
John Joseph Luback38
John Joseph Neary56
John Thomas Long52
John Tristian Urso44
John William Filer59
Johnathon Warren Tufts65
Johnny Baker44
Jonathan Luis Garcia24
Jonathan M. Kramer43
Jonathan Michael Binns49
Jonathan Michael Kachelries49
Jonathan Thomas Ford36
Jordan Michael Schwartz26
Jordan Raymond Sanchez29
Jose Cabrera31
Jose Alberto Ortiz35
Jose Angel Rivera44
Joseph Seladones64
Joseph Yeich38
Joseph Albert Powanda61
Joseph Anthony Pellegrino56
Joseph Arthur Bevins30
Joseph Edward Boris54
Joseph J. McBride49
Joseph Jacob Cappella32
Joseph James Kriner45
Joseph M. Beneshunas58
Joseph M. Vieties50
Joseph Robert Gibas53
Joseph Ryan Grutza23
Joseph S. Zendrosky44
Joseph William Kakol45
Joshua Schrepple41
Joshua Michael Lukach26
Juan Formoso26
Juan Jose Perez37
Justin Allen Lawlor41
Justin Kyle Cramer37
Justin Lee Lindenmuth40
Justin Lee Tielman39
Justin M. Neff37
Justin Paul Heacock36
Justin Paul Sementilli21
Justin Robert Underkoffler35
Kaitlyn Youmans25
Kalvin Demant Baker47
Keith Slotcavage53
Keith A. Herbert55
Keith Allen Reber59
Keith Daniel Neff40
Kelby Garrett Davis37
Kelly Williams43
Kendra L. Crostley30
Kenneth Jeffrey Williams46
Kenneth William Mitchell22
Keshon Lamar Canyon31
Kevin Jones60
Kevin Roberts34
Kevin Alan Smith34
Kevin Joseph Harris32
Kevin Matthew Mabry37
Kevin Michael Karpovich29
Kevin S. Nester61
Kodi Kenneth Bolinsky25
Korey Robert Wronski33
Koty Alan Morgan29
Kyle McCullough36
Kyle Jacob Merenda28
Kyle James Wronski33
Ladell Lynn Snowden47
Lance Richard Ossman55
Lance Troy Hunte Reis39
Larissa Zimmerman26
Larome Harrison Wonsock36
Larry Ronald Dettery44
Lester Karl Tettemer51
Lizetta Lee Haynes61
Louie Fernando Rivera32
Luis Antonio Lugo27
Luis Ramos Nunez-Calderon50
MacY Krepich Barder33
Manasseh Nasa Corder31
Manuel Martinez25
Manuel Andres Santana Del Rosario47
Marc Anthony Galan34
Mariah Wolgamuth24
Mariano Ovalles48
Mark Alan McBride63
Mark Joseph Schlauch33
Mark T. Keeth44
Marshall Matthew Barker28
Mary Ann Smith41
Matthew Schwalm26
Matthew Edward Calloway38
Matthew J. Bagdonavicius30
Matthew Kyle Hoy29
Matthew Lee Ketchledge36
Matthew Luke Leonard55
Michael Butler22
Michael Curry34
Michael Kane56
Michael Santana40
Michael Adam Heck42
Michael Allen Yates41
Michael Anthony Galluppi38
Michael Anthony Kline52
Michael Anthony Klinger34
Michael David Marchalk42
Michael David Williams50
Michael Eddie Torres38
Michael Edward Kilcullen26
Michael Edward Kohlhepp42
Michael Edward Rush36
Michael Harley Bechtel47
Michael Irvin Setlock30
Michael J. Benz53
Michael J. Vinanskie56
Michael John Liptok35
Michael John Setlock50
Michael Joseph Mayersky43
Michael Joseph Tassone55
Michael Lee Felty39
Michael Scott Kramer40
Michael Sylvestor Catherman63
Michael Thomas Kane38
Michael Todd Long51
Mylan Anderson Martin48
Nathan Blose39
Nathanial Paul Shea41
Nathaniel Albert Shoup30
Nevin George Wetzel84
Nicholas Yasson55
Nicholas R. Harman30
Nicholas R. Phillips32
Nicholas Ray Trumbo42
Nicole L. Ott33
Norman Edward Nickle68
Oliver L. Trizarri30
Patrick Reighard59
Patrick Sean Gulden39
Patrick Walter Rowan30
Paul A. Stoppie74
Paul Monroe Dinger55
Paul Samuel Hutnick53
Peter David Sorensen40
Peter James Sorokaput44
Philip Alan Maier73
Philip Allen Carnese37
Phillip G. Moeller52
Phillip Shane Cartwright30
Preston Lareau22
Quashon Demir Williams24
Rafael Valdez-Torres31
Ralph J. Caruano69
Ramone Claudio43
Randy Lee Maurer27
Randy Paul Reinert46
Raymond Zweizig33
Raymond M. Shelly42
Renee Marie Austerberry37
Richard Rodweller47
Richard C. Gernert55
Ricky W. Mills46
Robert Davis42
Robert Kroh63
Robert Ruggles51
Robert B. Bailey58
Robert Charles Brode40
Robert Dale Rose64
Robert Dean Steffie52
Robert Dustin Leymeister44
Robert Francis Seigel34
Robert Herbert Card59
Robert J. MacHarsky49
Robert James Eckert58
Robert John Hertzog29
Robert Joseph Rountree53
Robert Lee Darker60
Robert Lee Raeder55
Robert Lloyd Christman33
Robert Michael Pruden31
Robert Nicholas Kull49
Robert Nicholas Spann34
Robert Scott Linkchorst61
Robert William Haines30
Ronald Hartranft44
Ronald Arthur Pruden57
Ronald David Rountree50
Ronald Henry Tobias46
Ronald Joseph Babarsky29
Ronald Joseph Wilson28
Roy Hilbert60
Roy L. Boyer51
Roy Michael Hogan29
Russell Alvin Winters44
Russell Elliot Weathers38
Russell R. Rehrig66
Ryan Alvin Sonnon33
Ryan Jonathan Wagner28
Sabile Mehmeti39
Sam Anthony Dorshimer36
Samuel Austin Stanley30
Santiago Olaya-Avila27
Santonio Pierre Malone37
Saye Nehwon Kilikpo33
Scott A. Wise45
Scott Matthew Kline35
Sean Anthony Ashelman32
Sean Darnell Bowen43
Sebastian Golden30
Shane D. Roof34
Shannon Edmondson44
Shavinskin Nadare Thomas29
Shawn D. Schlauch29
Shawn Michael Cicero28
Shayne L. Calloway29
Sheila Carter55
Stanley Zelinsky77
Stanley E. Haydt52
Stanley Edward Kralik25
Stephen A. MacKeravage51
Stephen John Prentice37
Stephen S. Kubeika35
Steven Close53
Steven Reed55
Steven A. Brobst67
Steven Anthony Servis40
Steven James Randall32
Steven John Brilla29
Steven Michael Miller31
Steven S. Richardson55
Sukori L. Butler39
Susy Anne Ulicny28
Takiem Foat30
Tanner James Manhart27
Terrance Jerome Labella43
Terry Short59
Thomas Alvin Heiser42
Thomas E. Nesbitt53
Thomas Frank Steranko45
Thomas J. Paris58
Thomas Jon Ahn41
Tiheef Richard Marshall47
Tim Weikel35
Timothy Russell Steward50
Tina Hosier37
Tina Morgan51
Toby Keith Eichert26
Todd Allan Hoke43
Toni Ann Chester38
Tony M. Harkins37
Tonya Nicole Braun31
Travis John30
Trevor John Gibas29
Troy Adam Shade54
Troy Donald Troup31
Troy James Dorneman29
Tyler Jesse Swantek30
Tyler M. Strawdinger30
Tyler Roy Atherton29
Unique Tyaire Myers25
Victor Bueno31
Victor Dennis Cain59
Victor Manuel Moulier46
Vincent Andrew Guardado36
Warren Edward Bretz63
Wayne Gavenas42
William Kline41
William Sonnon50
William Wright22
William Albert Caccia43
William Anthony Christensen53
William Darnell Jubilee52
William Earl Hunter54
William Harold Ladlee42
William James Strimboulis53
William John Murphy54
William John Tierno59
William John Vesay50
William Joseph Sanchez35
Zachary Michael Freeze36
Zachery Gene Brooke30
Zakiya Jordan29
Zebadiah German Kramer21